Supporting Together for Short Lives
- By Simpson Travel
- 17 Aug 2018
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By donating £2 in return for each completed holiday questionnaire, we've been able to raise almost £10,000 for the UK-wide charity Together for Short lives. Read more >
June 21st, 2017 was the hottest day in the UK for 40 years, so why did a determined crowd of cyclists gather outside our offices at the Bank of England Sports Ground? Read more >
‘[Simpson Travel] specialise in the sort of magical, unspoilt destinations my family loves’ Author: The Telegraph
‘So how did we find the near-perfect villa in Mallorca? The first step was to approach… Simpson Travel… we needed expertise, not just blinding choice.’ Author: Sunday Times Travel Magazine, The Villas Handbook
‘The Simpson Travel check-in at Heathrow’s Terminal 5 was seamless.’ Author: Family Traveller, Katy Hill
‘Where Simpson [Exclusive] really excels is in its first-hand knowledge of properties and destinations’ Author: House & Garden
‘Simpson [Exclusive] delivers holidays that combine sunshine, five-star luxury and friendly service’ Author: House & Garden
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