Arosmari Village Hotel
- By Michael Shaw
- 03 Aug 2018
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In 2016 we invited guests to write about particularly vivid holiday experience they had enjoyed with us. All the entries were of a high standard, but Michael Shaw's description of a peaceful morning dip at Arosmari Village in Crete was one of the ones that really stood out. Thank you Michael for allowing us to share your work.
"For a few moments I stand, my feet resting on the early morning chilled stone of the pool surround as I take in the tranquillity of my surroundings, here, at Arosmari. Eight bells sound from the village clock while a dog barks in the middle distance. Then, with a gentle spring, my body traces a shallow arc and the mirrored surface of the pool is suddenly broken into a thousand shards. Steadily, I pursue the spreading ripples in front of me to the other end, turn, then back again, the wispy fog in my head from last night’s local hospitality clearing as the cool, clear waters wash over my face. Up and down, again, again.

A cat watches, crouched in the grass beside the pool, its head slowly following me back and forth, a Wimbledon spectator in slow motion. The sun breaks over the roofline above, strikes the water and suddenly, beneath me, my shadow joins the scurrying watery reflections in play upon the turquoise floor below.

Overhead, the newly sun-washed silvered leaves of olive trees seem to move in fluttering silent applause. Refreshed, I leave the pool up glistening steps, the water’s movement ebbing quietly behind me as I stand and watch, before meandering back to Rosemary Cottage. I quietly climb the stairs, two cups of tea in hand, to where she lies, so beautiful, still gently slumbering. First day, first dip and all, at this very moment, is well and at peace in my world."